Why am I writing this blog?
It is the 3rd time in the last 12 years that I move to Vancouver from Quebec. I've been asked many times why. So I'll try to explain it! I'll mostly talk about my experiences, Vancouver, Montreal, Quebec, some travels and a bit about my life.

Why this blog title?
Because it represents the love and the tear (slash) I have faced width moving to Vancouver from Quebec.  Slash is a verb that represent cut and a noun that represent /, a symbol in geek culture, which I am.  And also a guitarist!

Facebook and twitter is not enough?
Well I like Facebook and Twitter to share little things.  Quick fun links to a picture, video or some news. On this blog I'll try to write longer article.

Who is this blog for?
I'm writing this blog primary for my family, friends, colleagues and contacts.  I know it is public and can be read by many people that I don't know, and who don't know me. 

What will you write about?
I'll write about my thoughts, observations and reflexions on relocating to another province. The cultural deferences and similarities. I want to remain positive and try to not go in the who's better than who.

Why do you write in English?
It is the most common language that I know and can be understood by most of the people I know which are scattered across the globe.  I may write once in a while in French.

When will you move to Vancouver?
We are moving on December 30th 2011.

Where will you work?
You'll know when you'll see me in at the coffee station. I drink coffee now!

Will you start C'est Extra Vancouver again?
Check http://www.facebook.com/cestextravancouver